
Whether he’s introducing students to a human rights activist from Argentina or sharing a story about his eventful weekend bike ride, 上学校 Spanish Teacher Jack Gaddess never fails to find a way to bring a dose of excitement and fun to his Spanish classroom. An adventurous educator who has led Ellis girls on trips to Spain, Costa Rica, and Mexico, Mr. Gaddess proudly shares his love of the Spanish language and its culture with his students through interactive learning opportunities and experiences.  From joining the faculty number in the 上学校 musical to blocking and serving in the annual winter volleyball game, Mr. 加德斯带来了他对学习坚定不移的热情, 并从中获得乐趣, 每天给澳门新葡新京官方.
标题:World Languagees Department Chair, 上学校 Spanish Teacher
教育:B.A. 西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究, University of Pittsburgh; Masters in Spanish Language and Culture, 萨拉曼卡大学

在我从匹兹堡大学毕业之后, I moved to Venezuela to teach English and that’s when my Spanish took off. 当我搬回匹兹堡时, I enrolled in a one-year graduate school program at the University of Pittsburgh and taught Spanish I in the Cathedral of Learning. My advisor at the time let me know about a position at Ellis and I interviewed with Judy Calloman and Edie Hazlett. 我对私立学校所知甚少, 更不用说女子学校了, 但很快我就在澳门新葡新京官方找到了家.

在你的教室里, you’re not just focusing on teaching how to speak Spanish, 而是如何理解西班牙语和文化. 你是怎么做到的?
今天, a lot of young people have a shockingly little amount of working knowledge about our neighbors to the South. I think it’s really important to not only teach them how to speak Spanish, 而是让他们接触文化, 的社区, 以及与我们文化的联系. We mostly do that through technology in the classroom whether it’s Google chat, Skype, or email. 现在, my Spanish 4 students are pen pals with Latinos and Haitians from an ESL classroom in Philadelphia led by Ellis alumna Sarah APT ’06. We’ve had the chance to meet each other virtually and are learning from one another.

What do you believe are the advantages to Ellis’ 女孩子们的环境?
In my classroom, there’s no holding back and I love that. My students go all out in everything that they do from oral to written presentations. There are no inhibitions here and you need that in a language classroom. 在艾利斯, 女孩们在西班牙语中找到了自己的声音, I’m amazed at what they can do—their listening comprehension skills are second to none. In addition to the 女孩子们的环境, the small class sizes at Ellis truly make a difference. There’s no hiding, here, every girl is addressed and known.

What is something you are excited about in your department at Ellis this year?
好吧, we have two new faculty members in our department so it’s been really exciting to work with them and bounce new ideas off of each other. 也, Ashley Dotson and I are taking a group of 上学校 students on a mini-course trip to Costa Rica. This will be my third time in Costa Rica with Ellis girls and I’m really looking forward to it. 学生将结对与寄宿家庭住在一起, 每天学四个小时的西班牙语, 并在下午进行为期十天的短途旅行. We’ll spend seven days in the valley of San Jose and three days on excursions outside of town.

Was there a teacher or professor in your life who made a profound impact on you?
我高中的西班牙语老师吉姆·基什内尔. He had a great influence on me in a number of ways and we became friends later in life through his visits to Pittsburgh and mine back to my hometown. He made me realize that language learning should be fun and that's what I hope to do to a degree as well. He lives in Philadelphia now, but we are still in touch and I was in his wedding!

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Ellis?
好奇心. Ellis girls are so naturally curious to learn and no one questions that. I really appreciate that curiosity, it may be one of the best qualities that the School fosters.

The cast of characters that I work with and all of the different components of my job. I love teaching Spanish, but I also really love the advisory component of my job. 在某种程度上它能保持新鲜.

Planning excursions for my family, riding my bike, and taking care of my chickens. I have five chickens and recently brought in a dozen eggs to make scrambled eggs for my Spanish 3 class! 

忙. 喜欢冒险的. 忠诚的.


作为西班牙语老师, I was particularly proud of my AP students a few years back when Peruvian congresswoman Carmen Omonte visited Ellis. She didn’t speak any English, so my students translated everything beautifully for her. 那真是一个非凡的时刻. 也, every year at graduation when I see what Ellis can do for girls. Hearing graduates reflect on their experience and their relationships with each other and their teachers is really powerful. I always admire the sense of sisterhood that Ellis girls seem to leave with.

去冒险. 走出去,看世界,认识人,探索. I want them to walk the walk, not just be experts from the outside. 获得不同的视角是非常重要的. 不要害怕,尽情享受你的生活.
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